Hey, howsit fam! I'm glad you had a fun Thanksgiving. Mine was perfect! It's not too big of a Holiday here, but it's slowly creeping its way in. We went to a member's house. One of them served her mission in Georgia so she's well acquainted with it, so it was awesome! They had some friends over and another set of missionaries, and I mean Thanksgiving with the family is the best, but this was the next best thing. The best meal and probably one of the funnest nights I've had on mission! I was very grateful for it. I even made the mashed potatoes! I mean, we went to a member and she helped a little haha, but they were super good. And Lee made stuffing and the best turkey ever and gravy! And I ate so much hahaha. I ate so much, that I didn't eat a full meal until Friday night haha. Ah, it was awesome and such a fun day.
It was a good week besides the best meal of the year though. On Tuesday an AP came on splits with us, and there's sort of an unspoken law that when you go on exchanges, nothing goes according to plan. Lessons always drop and it's just rough, not sure why that is, but that's how it's been for my whole mission it seems like. But Tuesday went super smoothly, and we had like 5 lessons. We ate sushi for lunch because the AP had never had it before, and we got him some deep fried California rolls. It was bomb, and we also got fed dinner!
Oh and they just opened up the first Krispy Kremes in Africa and it's in our area!!! So we had that on Friday after a street contacting session. So the week was a week of good food haha. Besides that we basically just did a lot of service--we did some painting, helped a lady move, helped drive missionaries places because there's only like 4 drivers in our whole zone, and yeah just a lot of stuff like that. Even though we didn't have as many lessons, we were crazy busy, especially in the last few days of the week.
Saturday night was cool because the Randburg chapel is the Stake Center and they put on a huge Nativity thing. There was a play and musical numbers from members and artwork and there were a lot of nonmembers so it was an awesome missionary event. A lot of elders were there helping ushering and stuff, so it was nice. Hopefully a lot of good will come from it! And Sunday one of our investigators, Phume, was baptized, which was awesome! She asked me to baptize her. I always like baptizing because it's cool how the Spirit is automatically present when a saving ordinance is being performed. I pray to feel the Spirit during the baptism, and it's interesting how I've felt it differently at every baptism, but usually it involves feelings of happiness of peace. It was pretty cool.
Well, thanks for the emails! It was a great week. I guess it's basically December now, the month of Christmas music! Enjoy it-- I know I will! Talk to you all soon!
Elder Savage
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